Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek FAQ
How much distance from Ghandruk to Ghorepani in Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek?
The distance between Ghandruk to Ghorepani is 14.1 KM. By trekking/walking from Ghorepani , genarally it will two days trekking. The popular places between Ghandruk to Ghorepani Trek are Tadapani , Ban Thanti. The route is little bit difficullt than Ghandruk to Ghorepani Distance because we will go Poonhill hiking for sunrise then trek to Ghandruk.
Are you planning to Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek in Nepal?
If you're still not assured about your trek, then we advise you to read frequently asked questions on Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek, where we present all frequently asked questions and answers.
Where is Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek?
Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek lies within the Annapurna Conservation Area and is located within the North-central part of Nepal. Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek starts from near Pokhara and also ends near Pokhara. Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek is also part of Annapurna Base Camp Trek.
Is a trekking permit mandatory for Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek?
Yes, For Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek, you've got to form ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project) permit, obtained from Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), Kathmandu, and Damside, Pokhara. If you are book a local Trekking company in Nepal, TIMS and Permit will be managed by the company. However, if you want to go by yourself, you have to go to Nepal Tourism Board to make a TIMS permit.
There are two different ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project) and TIMS cards (Trekkers Information Management System). The worth of Permits and TIMS are:
- ACAP Permit cost: $30 per person
- TIMS card cost: $20
- Compulsory Guide for Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek
What kind of Accommodation can we get in Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek?
During your Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek, you'll be staying at locally made tea Houses and Lodges. This trek, the accommodations are going to be private with twin beds and personal lockers. You'll have a cozy mattress, pillows, small table, and Blanket in your room, but the toilet isn't there inside. It's sharing, and if you employ a hot shower, they're going to charge extra.
Is there electricity to charge my electric gadgets?
Yes, there are many places where you'll charge all of your electronic devices. You'veHowever, you've got to bring all of your cable or charger yourself. You're suggested to keep your entire electronic device warm inside the bag or Blanket because the cold temperature drains batteries very quickly.
How difficult is Ghandruk Ghorepani Trekking?
The Ghandruk Ghorepani Trekking is perhaps the straightforward trek within the Annapurna region of Nepal. A day the trekking distance from one settlement to the Next is Different; however, usually, you've got to steer 4 to six hours each day. But, if you're fit physically and mentally, you'll make it.
What foods are available during the Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek?
While trekking within the Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek, your breakfast and dinner are going to be served from the lodge; similarly, your lunch provides from a local inn or Restaurant.
The Dhalbhat (Served with rice, curry, spinach, soup, pickle& Pappadam) is Nepali food popular within the mountains. Furthermore, you'll have bread, set breakfast (served with bread, omelet, potatoes & Tea), Fried Noodles, fry rice, Mo: Mo (Dumpling food), the variety of soup, Ramayan Korean soup, Indian dishes, however, you'll have most kind food but don't expect professionally cooked food. It's made fresh and safe to eat. Drinks are available too within the lodge and restaurant booths.
Is Ghandruk Ghorepani trek risky from AMS (acute mountain sickness)?
Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek is a low-altitude and straightforward trek. The very best spot you'll spend your night at Ghorepani (2,028 m), so during this short and direct trek, there are not any chances to urge High Altitude altitude sickness. Usually, people might get hypoxia after crossing 3500 meters.
If I sick during this trek, what do I want to do?
If you're trekking alone, you'll share your problem with the Hotel owner or together with your nearest friend around you. Similarly, if you're traveling with a trekking guide, you'll tell your problem with him, and he will assist you. For example, if you've got a general problem, he will advise you to use a medicine, but he will arrange an emergency helicopter evacuation if you've got a significant problem.
What is the weather and climate situation in Poon Hill?
The weather and climate will depend upon the season; there are four different seasons; however, Poon hill maybe a cold and windy view spot, and thus you've got to bring warm clothes with you like a warm Hat, warm jacket, Gloves, headlight, and a few snacks.
The weather gets clear during October and November (autumn season), like March to May (spring season). Therefore, the autumn and spring seasons are the most spartan trekking season in Nepal, including Ghorepani Poon hill. Furthermore, if you would like to explore Poon hill during the monsoon or winter, that's possible, but the view is often on and off a day.
How much to hire a Guide and Porter a day?
To hire a guide for the Poon hill trek costs $25 US and $20 US for a porter each day. So the next, Guide and Porter salary could be a touch lesser during winter and monsoon season.
Is there a hospital or clinic during Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek?
We don't get to the hospital during this trek, but primary clinics are available at Ghorepani and Ghandruk village.
When is that the best time for the Poon hill trek?
Poon hill trek is suitable during spring because the Poon hill trek route is nearly through the rhododendron forest a day and spring because of blooms and clear sky within the background, thus the most straightforward trekking time for Poon hill is spring season (March to May).
Is the tip mandatory for Guide and Porters?
The tip isn't Compulsory, but after 4 to five days of walking within the Himalayas, they expect some information after your successful journey. Usually, per trekkers per day, $10 US for Guide and per trekkers per day $6 US for Porter is an approximate tip, they expect.